вторник, 27 сентября 2016 г.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It’s the main port of Great Britain. It is one of the greatest cities of the world. Its population is about 9 million people.
The city was founded by Romans in the 1st century AD and it was called Londinium. The English are very proud of the long history of their capital. The city became very rich in the 16th century. Then in 1665 and 1666 two catastrophes occurred: epidemic of plague which killed 100,000 citizens, and the Great Fire which destroyed the City.
London is a real museum of architecture. Traditionally London is divided into: the City, the West End, Westminster and the East End.
The City is the heart of London, its financial and business centre. Few people live in this part of London but over a million come here to work. There are a lot of famous ancient buildings in the City, for example St.Paul’s Cathedral.
Westminster is one of the most famous historic areas in London as it contains both the seat of Government (the Houses of Parliament) and the crowning place of kings and queens (Westminster Abbey).
The West End is the centre of London. There are historical palaces, museums, beautiful parks, large department stores, hotels, restaurants, theatres and concert halls in this part of London. One of the most beautiful palaces is Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the Queen. The oldest of all the royal residences in London is the Tower of London. The broad Mall leads from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square.
If you go to the east of the City, you’ll find yourself in the East End. This is an industrial part of London. The Port of London is also in the East End.

1. Translate into English
Коммерческий центр, главный порт, был основан, стал очень богатым, эпидемия чумы, разделен, сердце Лондона, мало людей, старинные здания, содержит, официальная резиденция королевы.

2. Your friend, who has never been to London, wants to learn more about it. Answer his/her questions.
1. What is the population of London?
2. Who founded London?
3. What was the first name of London?
4. What catastrophes occurred in the 17th century?
5. What parts is London divided into?
6. Where is St.Paul’s Cathedral situated?
7. What is the official residence of the Queen?
8. What sights of interest is London famous for?
9. What is the oldest royal residence in London?

3. Finish the sentence…
1. London is the main port of …
2. It was founded by …
3. The Great Fire destroyed …
4. London is divided into …
5. There are a lot of … in the City.

4. Ask questions to the given answers.
1. 9 million people
2. Londinium
3. in the 16th century
4. the seat of Government
5. Buckingham Palace

5. Speak about London

6. Read the texts about the sights in London and answer the given questions.

St.Paul’s Cathedral
What is the cathedral famous for?
Who built it?
It is one of the symbols of London. It was built in 1710 by a great English architect Christopher Wren. This cathedral is famous for the Whispering Gallery: if you whisper anything on one side of the gallery, your words will be heard very clearly on the other side.
Every year a special ceremony is held on the occasion of the Monarch’s birthday.

Westminster Palace (Big Ben)
When was it constructed?
Which tower is the most famous? Why?
Westminster Palace is the seat of British Parliament. Another name is the Houses of Parliament.  It was constructed in the 11th century. It contains 1,100 rooms, 100 staircases and 11 halls. It has got 3 massive towers: the Victoria Tower, the Middle Tower and St.Stephen’s Tower. The last Tower is the most famous, because it houses the clock called Big Ben.
The Houses of Parliament consist of the House of lords and the House of Commons.

Westminster Abbey
Who was the first monarch crowned there?
Who is buried there?
It’s the oldest and the most important church in England, the official church of the British Monarch. The coronations take place there and many kings and queens are buried there. The first Monarch who was crowned there was William the Conqueror in 1066. (Вильгельм Завоеватель)
Here there is the Poet’s Corner where there are monuments to some great British writes: William Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Jane Austen and others.

The Tower of London
Who founded the Tower of London?
What can we see there now?
Today its official title is “Her Majesty’s Palace and fortress of the Tower of London”. It was founded by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a fortress. Later it was the Royal residence, the Royal Observatory, a prison, a zoo. Now it is a museum, which contains the national collection of armour and the Crown Jewels.

Trafalgar Square
What can we see in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
What do the lions symbolize?
This is the largest square in the central London. In the centre of it there is Nelson’s Column. It was created in the memory of the victory of Admiral Nelson over Spain in 1805 at Cape Trafalgar. The column is 50 metres high. Around the column there are 4 bronze lions. They symbolize courage.
Parks of London
What is the oldest park in London?
What can we see in Hyde Park?      
London is a green city with lots of parks and gardens. The three best known parks are: Hyde Park, St.James’s Park, Kensington Gardens. The most popular attraction in Hyde Park is The Diana Memorial Fountain in the shape of a heart. St.James’s Park is the oldest park in London. It is famous for the Queen Victoria Memorial.

Buckingham Palace
How many rooms are there?
When is this Palace open for visitors?
It’s the official residence of the British Monarch. It contains 400 rooms, a swimming-pool, a tennis-court, and a large garden with a lake. This Palace is open for visitors during August and September when the Queen is on holiday.
In summer the Queen gives three garden parties which usually start at 4 pm. People who have done good work in different fields: scientists, politicians, sportsmen are invited there.

7. Which of these sights would you like to visit? Why? What do you know about it?
I would like to visit
to see with my own eyes
popular among tourists
I am interested in … (History, Architecture, Painting)
I want to see …

8. Make up a dialogue using the map of London. You want to visit 3-4 sights.
a. Ask a Londoner to help you.
b. discuss the route with your friend

Sample dialogues (диалоги-образцы)

-What are your plans for tomorrow?
-Nothing special
- Let’s go on a city tour.
- What will we start with?
- We will start with Westminster Palace.
- Is Buckingham Palace far from there?
- Not very much
- What will we see next?

- You should visit Westminster Abbey.
- How can I get there?
- Go down this street, turn left and go straight ahead for one block. Or, take bus 20, it will take you only 5 minutes to get there.

9. Follow the instructions using the map and tell me where you are now.
You are at the Tower of London. To the left of you is Tower Bridge. Go straight ahead, take the third turning to the right, go straight ahead, and turn left. You are in Fleet Street. Go straight ahead till Trafalgar Square, turn left and go straight ahead. Take the second turning to the right. This place is in front of you.

Итоговый тест по теме «Лондон и достопримечательности»

1. The heart of London is…
2. London is divided into … parts.
3. … is the official residence of the Queen.
4. The most popular attraction in … is The Diana Memorial Fountain.
5. … was the Royal residence, the Royal Observatory, a prison, a zoo.
6. Buckingham Palace contains … rooms.
a. 600             b. 400                c. 200              d. 800
7. The oldest park in London is …
a. Hyde Park         b. St.James’s Park    c. Kensington Gardens  
8. Around Nelson’s Column there are … lions.
a. 4        b. 6           c. 3            d. 5
9. The Tower of London was founded by …
a. Peter the Great       b. Edward the Confessor    c. William the Conqueror   d. Henry VIII
10. Buckingham Palace is open for visitors in …
a. December     b. May     c. July          d. August
11. … houses the clock called Big Ben.
a. the Victoria Tower     b. the Middle Tower     c. St.Stephen’s Tower
12. The Romans called London …
a. Londinium    b. Londunium    c. Londinelli    d. Londinet
13. The British Government seats in …
a. Tower         b. Buckingham Palace    c. Westminster     d. St.Paul’s Cathedral
14. The oldest royal residence is … .
a. Tower         b. Buckingham Palace    c. Westminster     d. St.Paul’s Cathedral
15. The Poet’s Corner is in … .
a. Tower         b. Buckingham Palace    c. Westminster     d. St.Paul’s Cathedral

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